Jewish Holidays
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The People of the Moon
Have you ever noticed that from the Earth, the Sun and the Moon look exactly the same size? Is it just a coincidence? Maybe there's a deeper meaning to this? -
Express Fast
If you fly on a fast day, you’ll skip over a few time zones, and you’ll end the fast about six hours earlier than you would if you were to stay in your place. So you’ll get to break your fast before you get too hungry! is that OK? -
Book Burning and the 17th of Tammuz
A hallmark of all repressive regimes is burning books. One of the tragedies that we mourn on the 17th of Tammuz is the burning of the Torah - the ultimate repression of the ultimate book. -
The Saga of Twelve Months
Is there any way to Kosher an expensive china set? is there any chance to eat during Pesach food that was cooked in a pot that was used once for Chametz? -
What Do We Lack With No Temple?
Our prayers place a special emphasis on the Beit HaMikdash and our anticipation of its rebuilding. Why is it that only regarding the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash do we ask that it happen speedily? -
7. The Custom for Women to Refrain from Working on Rosh Hodesh
One may work on Rosh Ĥodesh. Ideally, though, one should not do so, as is the law on Ĥol Ha-mo’ed. The rule is that the holier the day, the more it is designated for holy endeavors, and the more one should limit his involvement in work.
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